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‘Biological © 
& Medical 



Series 1.—No. 4. 





Fic. 35.—Good tilih of soil. (Double sulky plough, an 
- «wmplement that is increasing in favour for level land). 

Reprinted, with adaptations, from “TILTH AND TILLAGE 
OF THE SOIL,” by Elmer O. Fippin, in ‘Cornell Reading 


oners, — 

42-60, Goswell Road, 

rs-and Stat 
London, E,C. 1. 

J.C. KING, LtD., 




A g6éod soil should provide a congenial place for the 
development of plant roots. It should be deep enough 
to permit their normal spread. It should carry the right 
amount of water, maintain a satisfactory temperature, 

Fig 36.—Section of soil showing natural structure and the 
- distribution of grassroots. It shows, also, idecl ploughing: 
the action of the mouldboard in twisting the furrow slice ; 
and the action of the jointer in turning under the edge ©, 
the furrow. Rather large spaces occur between the furrow 
slices adjacent to the subsoil. At the lower right-hand side 
is an enlarged view of a section of the subsoil showing 
distribution of cracks, root cavities, and burrows of worms. 


and have adequate ventilation. It should have a chemi- 
cal nature that will be congenial to plant roots and to 
useful organisms in the soil, and should supply the food 
required for plant development. These conditions 
should be maintained as evenly as possible. Not only 
are changes injurious in themselves, but one unfavourable 
condition will induce another. 

That layer of soil in which the roots of plants are 
distributed and in which all the physical, chemical, 
and biological processes are most active is termed the 
root-zone. (Fig. 36.) For crops most commonly grown 
the root-zone should have a depth of at least three feet. 


The factor that most often determines the adjustment 
of all these conditions of the soil is physical structure. 
Soil is a frame-work of particles of rock and organic 
matter through which many small spaces or pores are 
distributed. By their size, volume, and distribution, 
the spaces regulate the other. properties of the soil. 
If the particles are small, the open spaces are correspon- 
dingly small. Spaces that are too small are likely 
to be continually full of water, which crowds out air 
and creates bad ventilation. Poor ventilation, in turn, 
smothers or prevents the development of roots and 
bacteria. This interferes with the food supply and is 
injurious in many other ways. lf the spaces at the sur- 
face of the soil are too small the water that comes as rain 
does not find ready admission andis lost, so that the crop 
may later suffer from lack of water which should have been 
absorbed. Further, soil spaces that are too small, 
if clogged with water and consequently poorly ventilated, 
promote chemical and biological processes which are 
decidedly harmful. Thus, nitrogen in the form of nitrate 





Fic. 37.—Types of root systems showing different forms 
and depths of penetration. Deep-rooted plants are 
an effective means of improving the structure ©, f hard 
but well-drained subsoils. 

fertilizer may be broken down to the condition of a 
free gas, so that it cannot be used by many kinds of 
plants. Excessive absorption of water due to very 
small spaces renders the soil cold, and from this arises 
a chain of injurious results. This brief explanation 
shows how important is that physical condition of the 
soil which gives the right size and proportion of pore 

The physical nature of the soil is referred to as tilth. 
The most advantageous character and arrangement 
of the soilis termed good tilth, while the reverse condition 
is termed bad tilth, The maintenance of good tilth 
should be the first object of the farmer. Consequently 
he should understand that physical basis on which good 
tilth rests and the practical means by which it is regulated. 
This lesson is devoted to a brief explanation of the physi- 
cal basis, of the things that most directly affect it, and 
of the action of the more common implements of tillage 
in their relation to these properties. 

As has been indicated, good tilth is identified with 
the right size of pore space throughout the soil mass. 
These pores depend for their size on the size and arrange- 
ment of the particles of soil. The particles of soil are 
of many sizes. The term used to refer to the size 
or fineness of the individual particles of soil is teature. 
A fine-textured soil is one made up mostly of very small 
particles. A gravelly or a sandy texture is one made 

up of large particles. 

The arrangement of the separate pariecled in a soil 
is termed structure. Soils may have a loose or a compact 
structure. Clay in a fine, friable condition easy to stir 
may be said to have a loose structure. If the separate 
particles are gatheredin groups or kernels such a structure 
is termed granular. But the same soil when mixed 


and stirred in a wet condition becomes very dense, and 
such asoilis said to have a compact, or puddled, structure. 

Texture of soil 

Not only are soils made up of particles of different size, 
but each soil contains particles of many different sizes. 
These different sizes have been classified into groups 
and each division has been givenaname. The divisions 
most frequently used are as follows : 



Size in 

Name Spare oh oe Size in inches 
J ae eee | Above 50 Above 2 
Coarse gravel .. | 50 to 10 2 to 1/4 
Medium grave!.. 10 to 2 1/4 to 1/12 
Fine gravel... | re) a 1 /12 to 1/25 
Coarse sand .. Ere) os 1/25 to 1/50 
Medium sand .. 2) nb 1/50 to 1/100 
Fine sand.. .. .25to .10 | 1/100 to 1/250 
Very fine sand.. -l10to .05 | 1 /250 to 1/500 
Pipes os. -- | -O5to .005| 1/500 to 1 /5,000 

oo Bi Sr . Below .005 Below 1 /5,000 

It will be noted that there are more divisions of the 
small particles than of the large ones. The finer the 
particles are, the greater is their effect on the properties 





Fic. 38.—Diagrams representing the textural compost- 
tion of the more important classes of soil, and the 
proportion of particles of different sizes that make up 
each kind. 

of the soil in proportion to their volume. Sand is 
gritty and does not stick together, especially when dry. 
Silt is flourlike, but not gritty; and the particles have 
little tendency to stick together. Clay is powdery, 
and when wet usually becomes very sticky. When 
dry it hardens and bakes. The clodding of soil is 
evidence of the presence of clay, although it does not 
necessarily mean pure clay. A loam soil worked when 
wet may clod badly. 

On these textural groups are based many of the 
descriptive terms in common use. (Fig. 38.) A sand 
is soil one made up essentially of sand particles with 
so small an amount of silt and clay that the latter are 
negligible. A claysoilis onein which clay particles prevail 
to such an extent that the soil acts like pure clay. A 
silt soil contains so much material of the size of silt 
that it acts essentially like pure silt. A loam soil 
is one made up of such proportions of all grades of 
material that no one of them is dominant. If soil is 
loamy but has one constituent predominant, it may be 
termed accordingly a sandy loam, a silt loam, a clay 
loam, or perhaps a silty clay loam. Thus, there may 
be a great variety of combinations of these materials, 
giving rise to many classes of soil based on their fineness. 

Because of the influence of texture on the properties 
of a soil and consequently on its relation to plants, 
soils have sometimes been named according to the kind 
of crops to which they are suited. For example, wheat 
soils are generally of a clay-loam texture. The best 
grass soil is usually a heavy clay. Corn does best on 
a loam or a sandy loam, and early truck crops are grown 
on light sandy loam soil. 

In a soil of coarse texture the pa-ticles of soil are free, 
one from the other, and rest together as a loose mass. 


This is well seen in clean sand and in gravel. The size 
of the pores in the soil is dependent on the size of the 
particles, and the larger the particles are, the larger the 
pores will be. For example, the spaces between buck- 
shots are larger than the spaces between bird shots. 
The total volume of the spaces in a quart of material 
in either case is approximately the same. If, however, 
the two kinds of shot are mixed together, they will 
occupy less space than two quarts taken separately, 
because the small shot partially fill the spaces between 
the large shot. If, on the other hand, a few of the large 
and a few of the small shot were fastened together in 
bunches and these bunches were brought together, they 
would be found to occupy more space than either of the 
_ other arrangements. 

Structure of soil 

The above illustrates how the arrangement or structure 
of a soil affects pore space and consequently crop-pro- 
ducing properties. Soils are made up of particles of 
different sizes, and there are the possibilities of arranging 
them with granular open structure, or with puddled 
compact structure. The finer the soil particles are, the 
greater possibility there is of changing the nature of the 
soil by changing the arrangement of the particles. Loam ~ 
and clay soils are the most difficult to manage because 
they easily form large, hard lumps or a compact, 
impervious mass. 

A layer of soil that is particularly dense and difficult 
to penetrate is termed “hardpan.” Many things may 
give rise to this condition. Streaks of clay sometimes 
produce such a result. In the hill soils of Southern New 
York, large areas of land have a compact subsoil or 
hardpan composed of shale chips and silt or clay loam 


closely mixed together. Where the climate is arid, in 
the western States, the soluble salts sometimes accu- 
mulate in layers and cement the soil particles, forming a 
condition of hardpan. 

In soils of a clayey nature the arrangement that is 
most desirable is a fine, granular structure. This has 
been termed crumb structure. (Fig. 35.) If the particles 
are separate and rest together naturally, they torm a 
mass that is too dense for good results. On the other 
hand, if they are gathered into large chunks, the con- 
dition is objectionable because the spaces are too large. 
Such lumps are called clods. Between these extremes 
is the happy medium which produces a size and volume 
of pores that is the most serviceable. It is likely to vary 
somewhat according to the soil-water conditions, the 
season and the kind of crop grown ; but these differences 
can generally be disregarded. 

The object in handling all kinds of heavy soil should 
be to develop a fine, friable, granular tilth which is easy 
to manipulate and efficient in absorbing and holding 
water and in permitting the penetration of roots. 

Pore space 

Much has been said about pore space in the soil. A 
soil is made up of several materials. Chief of these are 
the soil particles, water, and air. A fertile soil for the 
staple upland crops must have a proper proportion of 
each of these constituents. If there is too much soil 
there may be a deficiency of water or air, or both, 
according to the division of this space. If there is too 
little soil, the proportion of pore space is excessive. If 
the spaces are large, as they are likely to be, they permit 
leaching and retain insufficient water for the needs of 
plants; and the excessive ventilation and the high 


temperature that result cause a wasteful decay of organic 
matter. While heavy clay, on the other hand, may have 
a larger total volume of pore space, it has the space 
much more subdivided, so that itis effective in absorbing 
and holding water. When puddled, the pores become so 
small and the water is held so tenaciously that it is of 
little service to plants. ? 

Fic. 39.—An iliustration of soil in bad tilth, and of poor 
ploughing. The soil is heavy clay and was much too wet 
io be ploughed effectively. The shining surface at the 
bottom of the furrow slice indicates the presence of too 
much water. Several seasons of careful tillage will be 
required to overcome the bad effect of such practice. 

The importance of the right proportions of these three 
constituents and of their relation to texture and structure 
of soil is well sown in the diagrams in Fig. 40. In the 


following table is given the proportion of pore space in 
some common classes of soil :— 



| Proportion of pore space 
Kind of soil 

_ Percentage pitas 
Clean beach sand 4 | 35 to 40 1/3 to 2/5 
Sandy loam. Good tilth | 40 to 50 2/5 to 1/2 
Sandy loam. Puddled . 20 to 40 1/5 to 2/5 
Silt. Good tilth -. | 45 to 55 3/7 to 5/9 
Clay. Good granular tilth 50 to 65 1/2 to 2/3 
Clay. Puddled.. 3 25 to 45 1/4 to 2/5 

The average size of the pores is much more important 
than their total volume, although the latter is important. 
In general, it may be remembered that one-half of the 
volume of soil is pore space. 

The soils of the extremes of texture, as clay, sand and 
gravel, and consequently of the extremes in sizes of pores, 
are adapted to special crops. The soils of intermediate 
fineness, and therefore of intermediate size of pores, are 
suited to a wide variety of crops and types of farming. 
They are used for mixed farming, and usually command 
the highest prices as farm lands. These types include 


silt, loam and the different grades of medium and heavy 
sandy loam. A certain amount of granular structure 
should be maintained in these latter soils, for they may 

wi gee- --- ce awe 




Fic. 40.—Diagrams representing the proportion of space 
occupied by soil material, water, and air in a section of 
_ different soils. The availability of the soil water and the 

presence of sufficient air are dependent on the right phy- 
sical condition of the soil. 

develop a bad physical condition. Good tilth, which 
generally implies a proper state of granulation, is there- 
fore important, and attention may well be given to the 
means for its maintainance. 

Methods of improving tilth 

Proper tilth of the topsoil may be largely effected by 
tillage operations conducted at the right time and in the 
proper manner. With tillage must be associated the 
right moisture condition of the soil. The use of crops 
and crop rotation, of manures, fertilizers and lime, is 
helpful to this end. 

The full depth of the root-zone cannot usually be 
reached by surface tillage. Attention should be given 


to the subsoil quite as much as to the topsoil. A subsoil 
that is too dense may be improved by various indirect 
means, particularly by drainage, which promotes bene- 
ficial action of plant roots, of earthworms, and of other 
forms of animal and insect life that live in the soil. . 

Conditions which promote granulation.—The best con- 
ception of the means of keeping the soil in good tilth 

Fic. 41.—Soil in good tilth. The Meeker harrow ts a very 
efficient pulverizing tool. It consists of a series of small 
dises fitted rigidly to a straight azle. 

may be obtained by a review of the factors influencing 
granulation :— 
1. Adequate drainage is the most fundamental of 


these. It is impossible to keep a poorly drained soil 
in good tilth. Such a soil is naturally inclined to puddle 
and compact, and when dry works up into a rough, 
lumpy condition. Continual wetness breaks down the 
granular aggregates by dissolving the cementing material 
and permits the particles to settle together. The first 
step toward improvement of soil that is too compact 
is provision for good drainage by some means, preferably 
by tile underdrains. 

Drainage quickly removes excess water and permits 
a reasonable amount of drying, which results in cutting 
and granulating the soil by means of checks and cracks. 
Without any other treatment, drainage will loosen the 
soil and provide an improved circulation of water and 
gases throughout the earth mass. In proof ot this is the 
observation of farmers that underdrains in heavy soil 
gradually increase in efficiency over a period of years. 
This mode of action has been described as a “ slacking ”’ 
of the soil, although technically it is a different process. 
The earth seems to fall apart and loosen to such an 
extent that certain persons have thought they noticed 
an elevation of the surface adjacent to the lines of drain. 
Too much emphasis cannot be placed on the fundamental 
value of drainage in improving the physical condition of 
compact soils. 

2. Tillage of soil that contains only capillary (film) 
water is very helpful. If the soil is either too wet or too 
dry the best results cannot be obtained. (Fig. 39). 

That nicely moist condition in which a mass of moist 
soil pressed in the hand will hold its form but will not show 
free water, is the right stage for proper tillage. When 
too dry, a soil breaks into chunks, or clods, that must 
be broken down. 

3. Plenty of decaying organic matter in the form of 


humus is very helpful in developing good tilth. Humus 
is a dark-coloured, gelatinous substance that in many 
ways helps to produce granular structure. The tendency 
of soils to settle and bake after years of cultivation is 
often due to exhaustion of the organic matter. This in 
turn reacts on the physical and drainage condition of the 
soil in a way which is doubly injurious. The main- 
tenance of humus in the soil is one of the most effective 
means of improving the tilth. This applies to sandy land 
quite as much as to clay land, but in sand the mode of 
action is different from the process of granulation. 

4. Lime has a peculiar effect on clay soils. The fine 
particles are thrown together in groups or floccules and 
when the soil dries these become granules. Clay soils 
rich in lime carbonate have sometimes been mistaken 
for sandy soils because of this action. Clay soils that have 
been granulated work more easily than those that have 
not. An English farmer is reported to have said that 
liming clay land enabled him to plough with two horses 
where three had been required before. This is perhaps 
an extreme result, but such a general effect of lime is well 
recognized. Some commercial fertilizers affect soil in 
the same way. 

5. Freezing breaks up heavy soil. As water in the 
soil treezes it is formed into long, needle-like crystals 
that cut through the soil in many directions. If a 
soil is carefully dried from its trozen condition a check 
will be seen to form wherever a crystal occurred. The 
network of crystals is so complete and their cleaving 
action is so tremendous that the hardest clod falls to 
many pieces after two or three such freezes. (Fig. 42.) 
The lack of frost action is considered to be responsible 
for the denser nature of soils in warm countries. 

Nothing is more effective in breaking up subsoils than 


deep fall ploughing, by means of which they are exposed 
to frost action during the winter. In order to obtain 
its full effect, such fall ploughing must be coupled with 
good drainage. This will prevent the soil from running 
together during the spring thaws. 

6. Penetration of the roots of plants, and the burrow- 
ing of earthworms, ants, and other forms of animal life, 
are important agencies for soil improvement. (Fig. 36.) 
Tons of material per acre are handled by earthworms 
and ants in the course of a year. The roots of plants 
press through the soil, pry their way into small crevices, 

Fic. 42.—These figures represent two pans of clay soil which 
had been puddled and moulded with a smooth surface. 
While still wet, Pan No. 2 was permitted to freeze. Both 
pans were permitied to dry out. The cracks formed where 
the structure of the soil was most open. The pattern in 
No. 2 shows the influence of the ice crystals, and this soil 
was much more friable and crumbly than the soil that was 
dried without freezing. 

and cut the soil in every direction. Crops having fine, 
fibrous roots, such as buckwheat, are especially noted 
for their beneficial effect on heavy soil. It is generally 


recognized that after a clay soil has developed a poor 
condition by a period of unwise cultivation, good tilth 
ean best be obtained by laying down to grass for a period 
of years, after which the earth turns up friable and mealy. 
(Fig. 37.) 

The roots of plants, the earthworm, and other soil 
life, operate only in moist and well-ventilated soi], as has 
already been noted. If we would have their co-operation, 
the land must be well drained. The mat of vegetation 
on the surface formed by plants, especially grasses, 
protects the soil from the beating and puddling action 
of rain, from melting snow, and from washing. Plants 
used tor this purpose are known as cover-crops. 


Principles of tillage 

Tillage is the manipulation of the soil by means of 
implements. It may have many objects. The soil 
may be ploughed in order to turn under stubble, manure 
and rubbish. It may be cultivated deeply and thrown 
into ridges tor the purpose of drainage. It may be 
stirred shallow in order to dry out the soil and to create 
amulch. One cardinal object of tillage is to stir the soil 
and expose it to air and light for their sanitary effect. 

Lumpy soils need to be pulverized, sandy soils to be 
packed. Sometimes, in planting small seeds, soil is 
compacted in order to increase its capillary capacity and 
to draw moisture to the surface from the subsoil as an 
aid to germination. Whatever the ultimate result of 
the tillage operation, all operations affect the soil in one 
of two ways: either they loosen the soil and render it 
more open and friable, or they pulverize and compact 
it and make the structure denser. Choice of the proper 


too] must be guided by the purpose for which it is to be 
used. Jf the soil is to be turned over and the rubbish 
covered, a mouldboard plough should be chosen. If the 
operation is to reach deep into the soil a larger tool will 
be required. In order to stir the subsoil a subsoil plough 
may benecessary. In order to create a mulch on a sandy 
loam soil we may select the weeder—a light tool which 
very thoroughly stirs the soil to the depth of an inch. 
On lumpy or stony soil a spring-tooth harrow or a large- 
toothed cultivator may be necessary. In order to com- 
pact the soil some form of roller may be used. The 
kind of change to be effected in the soil should first be 
determined, then the tool may be chosen which will best 
accomplish the purpose. 

All soil-working implements may be divided into 
tour groups: (1) ploughs that invert the soil in addition 
to effecting pulverization; (2) cultivators that stir 
the soil; (3) pulverizers designed to reduce lumps and 
level the surface; (4) compactors that bring the soil 
particles closer together and smooth the surface. 

; The plough. 

The plough is the most efficient implement used on the 
soil in proportion to the power required. It. operates 
as a double, twisted wedge, which lifts and inverts a 
ribbon of soil. (Fig. 36.) By this operation the furrow 
slice is sheared or split into many thin layers both verti- 
cally and horizontally ; the result of this process, when 
properly done, is a complete pulverization of the soil. 
Of course, the soil must be in the right moisture con- 
dition for the best results, as has already been noted 
(page 15); 

Types of mouldboard.—The efficiency of the plough 
depends much on its type and on the manner in which 


itis used. (Fig. 43.) As a wedge it may have different 
slopes or curvatures. For sod land, a long, slo ping mould- 
board with a good overhanging is desirable, so that the 
furrow will be gradually lifted and turned to its new 
position in one continuous thread. Breaks and ragged 
edges of the furrow permit it to be torn up by subsequent 


Mosing Coser Hees 

Fic. 43.—The Plough. (1) Modern walking plough, with 
parts named. (2) Types of mouldboard for (a) fallow 
ground, light soil ; (b) fallow ground, clay soil ; (c) sod 
ground ; (d) general purpose, fairly well suited to a wide 
range of soil conditions. (3) Deep-tilling disc plough. 
(4) Subsoiler. (5) Plough attachments: (a) jovnter, 
(6) knife or beam coulter, (c) fin coulter, (d) rolling coulter. 


preparation. On the other hand, for fallow land (bare 
soil) a mouldboard with much greater curvature is used. 
This accomplishes more thorough pulverization than 
would the sod plough. Its draught is correspondingly 
greater. Special types of plough are designed for work 
on particular kinds of soil. On both sod and fallow iand. 
a mouldboaid of intermediate curvature is employed. 
The hillside plough has a peculiar shape of mouldboard, 
hinged so that 1t can be turned to permit continuous 
ploughing oa one side of the land, thus avoiding so much 
uphill pulling by working across the slope. There is also 
a considerable variety in the construction of these 
implements, and different materials are used in the soil- 
friction parts. For example, on gumbo clay a mouldboard 
of special composition is required. Various modes of 
construction are designed for supposed mechanical 
superiority and convenience. 

Right position of furrow.—In order to accomplish ee 
ploughing, the furrow should be turned to the proper 
angle, and should be reasonably straight. This requires 
a particular proportion or relation between the depth and 
the width of the furrow. (Fig. 44.) The best angle with 
the surface of the subsoil at which to lay the furrow is 
thirty to forty-five degrees. In order to obtain this 
angle it is necessary that the depth of ploughing be about 
one-half the width of the furrow. When the ploughing 
is too shallow (one-third or less of the width) the furrow 
slice is inverted. Stubble and -subbish are thereby 
thrown in the bottom of the turrow, where they tend to 
break contact with the subsoil and are poorly mixed 
with the soil. On the other hand, when the furrow slice 
is set well on edge there is fair chaace for capillary rise of 
water, rainfall readily sinks into the soil along the face 
of the furrow, and sod and rubbish are more thoroughly 


distributed from the top to the bottom of the cultivated 
soil. There is also better ventilation where decay should 
be most active. At the same time the upper angle of 
the inverted furrow slice may be easily pulverized and 
worked into a good seed bed. When the soil bears a 
heavy sod so that the furrow slice holds its form, heavy 
rolling and packing are desirable so as to bring it in 
closer contact with the subsoil and to avoid intersoil 
spaces that are too large. 

Depth of ploughing.—Most farmers in New York State 
should consider deeper ploughing. Probably the average 
depth is not over five inches. Much ploughing is even 
more shallow than this. Particularly is deep ploughing 
better on heavy soils and on those inclined to have a 
compact subsoil. It crumbles their structure, mixes 
organic matter more deeply, and as a result of both 
processes moie water is retained and more plant-food 
is available to crops. Deep ploughing is an efficient 
means of increasing the general depth of root penetra- 
tion; the deeper the roots are distributed, the more 
uniform is the supply of moisture at their command and 
the larger the food supply with which they are in touch. 
On light sandy soil, deep ploughing must be accompanied 
by the generous use of organic manures. 

In the humid section of the country, where rainfall is 
over twenty inches, the undisturbed subsoil, especially 
on heavy or poorly drained soils, is likely to be infertile 
for a time after being brought to the surface, owing to its 
poor sanitary condition. In that section it is therefore 
unwise to turn too much fresh soil directly on top in 
any one season. Usually it is advisable to increase the 
depth ot ploughing gradually at the rate of one-half to 
one inch per year. This is best done in the fall. 

The deeper the soil is ploughed, the more thoroughly 


it is pulverized. Other things being equal, better results 
are obtained from the same draught in deep than in 
shallow ploughing. ; a 

yy, > 


Fic. 44.—Diagrams illustrating the effect of depth of plough- 
ing relative to width of furrow on the final position of the 
furrow slice. The second and third are the most satisfac- 
tory. When set in this position the upper edge of the 
furrow slices may be readily worked down to a seed bed 
without the interference of sod which may have been 
turned under. Manure and turf are well distributed, 
without breaking connection with the subsoil. Subsequent 
packing and preparation should break down the lower edge 
of the furrow slice and bring the topsoil in close contact 
with the subsoil. 


Draught of plough.—Tests by Professor C. A. O’Cock, 
of the University of Wisconsin, warrant the following 
conclusions concerning the operation of the ordinary 
mouldboard plough :— 

First, the draught perinch cross section of furrow cut 
increases with the increased width. 

Second, the draught per inch cross section of furrow cut 
decreases as the depth is increased. 

Third, the sharper the curve of the mouldboard, the 
greater is the draught of the plough... Thus, a fallow-ground 
mouldboard pulls harder than the sod type of the same 

Fic. 45.—An example of good ploughing. The soil is a 
sandy loam. As good ploughing may be accomplished by 
the use of a team and a walking plough as with this 
tractor-drawn gang. 

Fourth, when the soil is either too wet or too dry 
the draft is increased over that for the soil in good 
ploughing condition. 


The draft of the plough will ordinarily be five to nine 
pounds per square inch of cross section for the stubble 
type, and four to eight. pounds for the sod type. Foca 
six-by-fourteen-inch furrow the total draughtwould there- 
fore be four to five hundred pounds in a soil in good 
condition. Attachments, dull edges and stones in the 
soil increase the draught. 

Plough attachments.—Several attachments are used on 
the plough for special conditions of the soil. (Fig. 43.) 
On sod land the jointer much improves the result. This 
is a miniature plough which cuts the surface roots and 

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Fic. 46.—A heavy chain attached to the whiffle-tree and the 
beam of the plough, as shown 7m the illustration, is very 
useful for turning under a heavy growth of vegetation on 
the soil—as, for example, a green manure crop. 

turns under the edge of the furrow, giving a smoother 
appearance. It tends also to prevent grass from growing 
along the soil line of each furrow. 

Several types of coulter are used on sod or rooty ground 
for cutting the furrow from the landside. All these 
should be placed a little back of the plough point and 
slightly outside the line of the landside, so as to cut a 
clear course at the moment when the roots are drawn 
taut over the point. The rolling and blade coulters are 
attached to thebeam. Therolling coulter adds less to the 


a ae 

draught, andis more satisfactory than the blade coulter 
where there is much surface rubbish. Occasionally, a 
small fin coulter is attached to the share. When the 
shin of the plough is sharp, especially on fallow ground 
in good condition, coulters are of little service, and the 
jointer in particular is objectionable owing to the 
increase in draught. 

Mouldboard versus disc ploughs.—There are two types 
of turning plough, the mouldboard and the dise. The 
former is in most general use and is adapted to the 
widest range of soil cenditions. The dise plough is 
especially suited to hard, dry soil, and does particularly 
well where there is much rubbish or vegetation to be 
turned under. It is not adapted to sod land or to soil 
that is very stony. On stony land the cut-out disc is 
preferred to the solid dise. On hard soil the dise plough 
is more efficient than the mouldboard plough for the 

_ draught consumed. 

Subsoiling.—Subsoiling is the operation of breaking 
up the subsoil without turning it to the surface. A 
special plough is used in the bottom of the furrow behind 
the turning plough. (Fig. 43.) Subsoiling is practised 
most safely in the fall. Unsatisfactory results are likely 
to follow subsoiling in the spring. 

Deep-tilling implements.—An intermediate implement 
between the turning plough and the subsoil plough 
is the Spalding Deep-Tilling machine. (Fig. 43.) This 
is of the solid disc type. There are two discs, one 
behind and below the other. They are carried on a 
sulky frame, and by proper adjustment the soil can 
be worked twelve to sixteen inches deep. Its use 
appears to be relatively more safe than would be plough- 
ing with the mouldboard plough to the same depth, for, 
although the subsoil is stirred, it is only partly thrown 


to the surface and mixed with the topsoil. In order 
to accomplish the mixing of the right proportions of 
subsoil with the soil, special attention must be given 
to the relative amount of cutting done by the two discs. 

Double sulky plough.—The use of the double sulky 
plough is increasing rapidly. This implement carries 
two ploughs, one a right-hand and the other a left- 
hand pattern, so that all the cutting is done from one 
side. Dead furrows and back furrows, both of which 
render the crop uneven, are thus eliminated. Sulky 
ploughs, owing to their weight, are not suited to uneven 
land where it is necessary to pull up the slope. 


After ploughing, the soil should usually be worked down 
and pulverized at once. At that time the lumps are 
most easily pulverized, and by levelling and fining the 
surface moisture is saved. In the case of fall ploughing 
this practice is not recommended, as the rough surface 
holds the snow during the winter and is less subject 
to puddling during the spring thaws. Cultivators stir 
the soil. For rapid work some type of harrow is gener- 
ally used. 

Harrow.—The harrow is a broad, many-toothed 
implement, generally without wheels or guiding handles. 
There are three main types of harrows: the spike- 
tooth, the spring-tooth, and the disc. (Fig. 47.) The 
spike-tooth harrow is light, and is therefore suited to 
rather clean soil in fairly good condition. The spring- 
tooth harrow draws to the ground better than does 
the spike-tooth harrow. It works to greater depth and 
tends to bring lumps and stones to the surface and to 
collect roots and vines. Usually the slant of the teeth 
of spike and spring-tooth implements can be readily 


adjusted, and this determines the extent to which they 
stir the soil. The weeder is a light type of the spring 
tooth harrow, suited only to light, loose soils, where 
shallow tillage is desired. The dise harrow, like the 
dise plough,is more effective for its draught than are other 
types of harrow. Especially is this true of the cut-out 
and spading dises, which take hold of hard and stony 
soil better than do the solid discs. The angle of opera- 
tion of the disc can be adjusted, and this determines 
the extent to which it draws to the soil and the extent 
of pulverizing and turning. Its action resembles that 
of the plough in that it tends to invert the soil. 

The Acme harrow may be regarded as a fourth type. 

Fic. 47.—T ypes of harrows. (1) Spike-tooth ; (2) spring- 
tooth ; (3) weeder (spring-tooth constructor) ; (4) double 
disc (note that the forward discs are solid while the rear 
discs are of the cut-out type) ; (5) spading dise ; (6) Acme. 
All these belong to the cultivator group of implements. 


It consists of long, twisted blades. ‘It is a very useful. 
tool onsoil free from stone, but its draught is relatively 

Cultivators, proper—The farmer usually makes a 
distinction between harrows and cultivators. The 
former are used in order to prepare the seed bed, the 

a —— 

Fic. 48.—Types of cultivators. (1) Wheel hoe, or hand 
garden cultivator, with attachments ; (2) adjustable small- 
tooth, one-horse cultivator, with duckfoot shovel behind ; 
(3) two-horse spring-toothed cultivator; (4) two-horse 
sweep or knife cultivator ; (5) two-horse disc cultivator. 


Mires, 23 

a ie ig a 


latter in order to cultivate or intertill the crop and to 
kill weeds. The two types are, of course, interchangeable 
according to crop and convenience. Cultivators that 
have handles or other guiding arrangement are more 
easily controlled by the operator. (Fig. 48.) There are 
many patterns of these on the market, and in their 
fundamental construction and operation they are much 
like harrows. They may carry small spike teeth, 
shovels of different size and shape, spring teeth, or 
dises ; they may be swung on wheels with riding attach- 
ment, and in the larger two-wheeled cultivators two or 
more gangs are carried and guided by the feet of the 
operator so that one or more rows are worked on both 
sides at the same time. 

The general practice now is to use cultivators carrying 
many small shovels, so that the soil is kept level and 
thoroughly stirred to a shallow depth. This type is 
more effective in killing small weeds, in creating a mulch, 
and in saving water than is the large-toothed type of 
implement, such as the old fashioned single or double 
shovel plough. 

A type of shovel cultivator especially suited to cutting 
off weeds and leaving an efficient thin surface mulchis the 
duckfoot, wing, or sweep shovel. On stony or hard 
soil this shovel cannot be recommended. 


Something more vigorous than a harrow is sometimes 
required on lumpy soil ; grinding and crushing action is 
most effective. For pulverizing and levelling the surface 
the plank drag is effective. Clod crushers are a type 
of corrugated roller, the weight of which may be con- 
centrated on any resistant lump. 



The most common tool used to pack the soil is the 
roller, of which the log roller is the pioneer type. The 
value of the roller depends largely on its weight and 
diameter. For the same weight the smaller diameter 
is more efficient than the larger diameter. The roller 
is often used immediately after ploughing to press down 
the furrow slices so that they will not be torn up by the 
harrow and so that a more level surface is provided for 
the team. In countries where the winters are severe 
and the roots of plants are torn loose from the ground 
by frost, the roller is used in order to press roots into the 
soil and to firm the soil around the roots so that they 
may renew their growth. Rollers usually are made in 
two or more sections for convenience in turning, and 
have a basket or some other arrangement for loading 
in order to increase the weight. As a pulverizer the 
solid roller is inefficient. (Fig. 49.) Its weight is 
distributed over too much surface and it is likely to press 
the clods into the soft soil rather than to crush them. 

Another type of roller is the subsurface packer, which 
comes near to being an ordinary clod-crusher. Its 
surface is broken so that it cuts into the soil and exerts 
pressure to a considerable depth. It is especially useful 
in the spring of the year and in arid regions, in pressing 
the furrow slice into close contact with the subsoil 
and at the same time leaving a loose layer of soil on the 
surface as a mulch to save water. 

Special soil-working tools 

There are a number of instruments designed for use 
in special crops or under special conditioas. Among 
these may be mentioned: (a) the lister, which ploughs 


Tec CeiCecccceciey 


Fic. 49.—Types of packers and pul- 


(1) Solid or barrel roller ; 

(2) corrugated roller ; (3) crusher 

and subsurface packer ; 


(4) bar 

and plants at the 
same time, used 
mostly under semi- 
arid and _ pioneer 
conditions ; (b) the 
grape and berry hoe 
for working close to 
small fruits ; (c) the 
adjustable dise for 
reaching under trees 
with low-hanging 
limbs. It should be 
said also that many 
seeding implements 
cultivate and _ pul- 
verize the soil in the 
process of planting 
the seed. The giain 
drill, in particular, is 
of this sort. 

Special’ soil 

There may be 
many special condi- 
tions of soil or 
subsoil, of season or 
crop or equipment, 
which require 
peculiar treatment, 
so that always the 
purpose to be accom- 
plished should deter- 
mine the use of an 
implement. If the 

soil were a little too wet it might be thrown up 
in high ridges with a large shovel plough in order 
to hasten the evaporation of water. In an old orchard 
long in sod, ploughing should be shallow in order 
to avoid injury to the roots of trees. In the late 
fall a soil may sometimes be safely ploughed while 

Fie. 50.—The planker. A home-made implement that is 
very efficient in pulverizing the soil and smoothing the 
surface. Its pulverizing action in connection with a 
toothed harrow is often more efficient than the roller. 

in a very wet condition, when winter freezing is 

depended on to counteract any possible puddling. 
In windy regions sandy soil should not be fall-ploughed, 

since itis likely to be blown away. In parts of the South- 


west, ploughing in large ridges is found to be more 
successful in saving moisture than the formation of 
a level surface, because such ploughing prevents the 
wind from carrying away so much soil and thus conserves 

Circumstances will always alter cases. It is impossible 
to lay down fixed rules in the handling of the soil, even 
tor a particular farm, because of the many conditions 
involved. There is required on the part of the farmer 

- an understanding of the principles involved, keen observa- 

tion, and good judgment, in order to know what combina- 
tion of treatments will give the best results at the least 

An important object of tillage is to kill weeds, because 

weeds rob the regular crop of moisture, food, sunlight, 

and air. Weeds are most easily overcome when small, 
and sometimes rough tearing up of the soil and waste 

_ of moisture through exposure is justified in order to 
cover and to kill the weeds. This is a common means 

of overcoming small weeds in the row. 

Tillage by dynamite 
A type of tillage that is now much advertised for 
soils inclining to a hardpan structure is the use of 
dynamite. The explosion of small charges of dynamite 
at frequent intervals (ten to twenty feet) in the subsoil, 
at a depth of two or three feet, is said to loosen the soil 
much as though asubsoil plough had beenused. (Fig. 51.) 

‘Whether to use dynamite or a plough is a question of 

cost and efficiency where such a condition of soil exists. 
In either case the soil should be relatively dry. Dyna- 
mite has the advantage on stony soil and may be more 
efficient for deep work, but the cost per acre is high as 
compared with tillage operations and the question 


arises whether there are many areas of soil in New York 
State where the treatment is justified. Unless it breaks 
through the hardpan soil to some porous layer below, 
dynamite is likely to make drainage conditions worse 
rather than better, and on the great majority of New 
York lands its use fer this purpose has no place. 

ee : an SOY ; : 4 vie oj 
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Fic. 51.—Section of soil illustrating the proper position of 
a charge of dynamite with reference to a hardpan layer, 
and its supposed action in breaking up a compact condi- 
tion. For efficient results the subsoil should be dry. 
(Sketch by Du Pont Powder Company.) 

Thorough drainage, which costs little more, will in time 
have much the same effect on the subsoil, and it produces 
more generally desirable and permanent results. The 
best results on very hard soil are likely to follow the 
combined use of dynamite and drainage. Dynamite 
should be used first. , 

In conclusion, it should be remembered that cultivation 
and all the operations that aid in maintaining good tilth 


contribute to the ventilation of the soil and are especially 
beneficial in their sanitary influence. Stirring and 
turning and thorough preparation before seeding, 
together with as much tillage as possible during the grow- 
ing season, are essential in order to keep every active soil 
in a healthy, fresh condition. If little cultivation is 
possible, it is more important before planting. The 
intelligent tarmer knows that the prize crop usually 
follows the most thorough preparation of the soil. He 
works the soil cover and over even after it seems to be in 
good tilth. Jethro Tull, the shrewd English farmer of two 
centuries ago, was wise beyond his day when he said, 
“Tillage is manure.’”’ It is manure and it is health 
to the soil. Centuries before the time of Tull, Virgil 
had written the same experience into his verses descriptive 
of Roman husbandry : 

“Much more advantage to the swain it yields 
~ To use the rake, than harrow sterile fields : 
Nor golden Ceres, from the lofty skies 
Shall view his labour with regardless eyes. 
And who, athwart the furrows, ploughs the plain, 
Then breaks the clods obliquely o’er again, 
Turning his team, and by a frequent toil, 
To obedience brings a disobedient soil.” 

Sometimes better results have followed hand work 
with fork and hoe than the use of larger implements. 
This may be attributed to the deeper and more thorough 
preparation of the soil in, and emphasizes 
the well-observed fact that thorough tillage is a prime 
requisite for good crops. 



The Correspondence-Course lessons are designed merely 
to introduce the subject; they are elementary and 
brief, and are intended to arouse a desire for fuller 
knowledge along particular lines. The study of 
Correspondence-Course lessons should be introductory 
to the study of standard agricultural books and of the 
bulletins of the Dominion Department of Agriculture 
and the State experiment stations. The Supervisor of 
the Correspondence-Course wil] suggest, as far as possible, 
agricultural literature to meet the needs of any reader. 
Particular books or bulletins are recommended because 
they are thought to be of special interest to the reader 
in his individual study and not because they are 
considered superior to others on the same subject. 

Principles of soil management. T. L. Lyon and 

E. O. Fippin. Pages 68-119, 465-497. The 

Macmillan Company, New York City’ .. .. $1.75 
Fertilizers and crops. L. L. Van Slyke. Pages 

89-104. Orange Judd ei bes New York 

City > itis Lee 2.50 
Farm machinery sama: bese iS. J. B. David- 
- sonand L. W. Chase. Pages 51-101. Orange 

Judd Company, New York City .. 2.00 
Physics of agriculture. F.H. King. Dice 108- 

128, 223-254. Published by the author, Madi- 

son, Wisconsin .. . os (aa 1.75 
Bulletins, United States Bee of Soils : 

No. 50. Moisture content and the physical condition 
of soils. 

No. 82. The effect of soluble salts on the physical 
properties of soils. (Distributed by Superintendent 
of Documents, Washington, D. C., at a nominal 


Farmer’s Bulletins : 
No. 421. Control of blowing soils. (Free on applica- 
tion to Senators or Representatives in Congress, or 
to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.) 
_ Bulletins, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station 
(Manhattan, Kansas): No. 127. The roots of plants. 



The Discussion Paper is planned to help the student 
by drawing his attention to the important points of 
the subject he is studying. It is intended to develop 
thought and self-expression of his own ideas. Each 
Discussion Paper, when answered and returned, is 
carefully read by the staff of the Department of Agri- 
culture and a personal statement is given in connection 
with any question that the reader thinks the student 
has not fully understood. The student is invited to 
ask any questions that will help to give him a more 
complete understanding of the Course. 


Always express your ideas in your own words. 

Finish one paper at a time. 

3. See that the subject is placed at the top of the first 
page of each paper answered. 

4. Do not torget to write your NAME, NUMBER, and 
COMPLETE ADDRESS, on each set of answers. 

5. Number each question, and also each sheet, and pin 
them together in their right order. 

6. Send in each paper as soon as completed. 





Should land be worked as soon as it is fit in the 
spring. Why ? 

What happens to a heavy loam soil that is worked 
when it is too wet? Mention what you would 
do with land that had been worked when too damp. 

Describe how you would determine when to start 
work on the land in the spring. 

Explain the advantages of securing a granulated 
structure in a clay soil. Mention some of the 
methods of obtaining this structure. 

Discuss the advantages of drainage and state how 
you would decide that a piece of land needed 

Will land in need of drainage retain as much avail- 
able soil moisture during a continued dry spell 
as will drained land? Why ? 

Describe soil conditions that require shallow 
ploughing and others that require deep ploughing. 

Describe soil conditions that would be helped 
by the use of a subsoil plough. What time of 
the year would you do the work ? 

Describe the use of the different types of harrows 
and cultivators you are tamiliar with, stating 
soil conditions in which they can be used to best 

Name, and describe the locality you propose 
to farm in, and state how you would prepare 
your land for wheat. What implements would 
you use, and in what order? Under what 
conditions would a roller or a packer be used, 
and at what season.